What is batch input?

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Payroll data such as ad hoc payments and deductions can be entered into Cintra iQ by bulk using batches.  Ad hoc Payroll Period data can be holiday pay, overtime, bonuses, etc.
  • The batches of Payroll Period Input data can be either directly entered into a template defined previously or imported from csv files that have been mapped to templates. 
  • Any records that have been generated from a batch can be amended via the batch or in payroll period input. 
  • Any records that are in a batch are posted to the employee records immediately once the batch is closed. 
  • All batches can be amended at any time prior to the period being closed.


Cost Centre Allocation data can be included in batches, eliminating the need for manual journal entries to be made, post payroll processing.




Batch Input Window

Within the Batch Input window, you can perform the following:
  • Create a payroll batch file.
  • Edit a payroll batch file.
  • Delete a payroll batch file.

Batch Keys

Within the Batch Keys section, you can perform the following
  • Select the Employment IDNI Number or Person Identifier as Employee Identifier
  • Enter a Description for the New Batch data.
  • Select the desired Batch Pay for Advanced Holiday Weeks, if necessary.


Manual Entry Input Types

Name Description

You can enter the Adjustment Code/Name derived from Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Addition Headings and/or Deductions Headings. 

    • Adjustment Code
      If you are entering data using codes instead of adjustment heading names, you will need to attach a code to each adjustment heading to which you want to import data. This is displayed in the Batch Summary window under Adjustment Code.Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup>Adjustments
      • This is the Import Code within Addition Headings> Other tab.
      • This is the Batch Import Code within Deduction Headings>Main Settings tab.
Adjustment Name
  • This is the Addition Name within Addition Headings> Main Settings tab.
  • This is the Deduction Name within Deduction Headings> Main Settings tab.

Template Input

You can select a template from a drop-down list, that is populated by the Payroll Input Template definitions created in Payroll> Payroll Setup> Input Templates. For more information, see How Do I Create Payroll Input Templates?
You are then taken to the Payroll Input/Import Template window. 
Within this window you can override the existing template or edit a column heading and input type. You can also include Cost Parts

Import Data from File Types

Name Description
Standard Import Map

A standard import map contains all pay values in one column with a payment heading (adjustment) name or code in a separate column.
Ensure that the spreadsheet is saved to a .csv file before trying to import it into Cintra iQ.

Template Import Map

A template import map contains specific payment headings in separate columns on the file that is to be imported. If you want to input predefined payment and deduction headings that are in separate columns, use the template import map.

Ensure that the spreadsheet is saved to a .csv file before trying to import it into Cintra iQ.

Import Mapping

When importing data from a spreadsheet, you need to map the data in the spreadsheet to the adjustment headings in Cintra iQ. You can map the data when importing the spreadsheet or if you are importing the same spreadsheet each pay period, you could create a Batch Template which would save you having to map the spreadsheet each time you import it.


Spreadsheets always need to be saved in a .csv format.

With the Payroll Import Maps window, you can perform the following:
  • Create new Standard Import Map or Template Import Map.
  • Edit a Standard Import Map or Template Import Map.
  • Delete an existing Standard Import Map or Template Import Map. 

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