How do I update employer pension contributions?

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If you are using Pension Bands or Fixed Rate Contributions, you may need  to update the employer percentage of the Pension Scheme's Contribution of the relevant tax year. 

Navigate to the desired Pension Scheme window.

Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Benefit Schemes> Pensions/Other Benefits

Open the desired pension scheme. The pension scheme window appears.

Navigate to the Pension Scheme Contribution window.

Click the Contributions tab.

Double-click the desired contribution record in the Scheme Parts pane. The Pension Scheme Contribution window appears.

Navigate to the Insert Employer Contribution Set form.

Click the Employer Contribution Rates tab.

Right-click: New in the Employer Contribution Rates pane. The Insert Employer Contribution Set form appears.

Enter the Rates effective from date.

Enter the Rates effective to date.

Perform either of the following:

Select the Contributions are percentage based option and enter the Percentage amount value.

Select the Contributions are set amounts option and enter the contribution amounts. 

Click the OK button. The new rates record appears in the Employer Contribution Rates pane.

Click the OK button to save.



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