How do I create a costing category?

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Now that your Cost Analysis Structure is set up, you can set up rules within Cintra iQ, according to how you want your costs to be analysed when you extract Cost Analysis data. The rule set up is based on pay elements.
You can also group multiple pay elements together under a costing category so that you can apply cost analysis rules to categories of pay elements rather than individual pay elements. Cost Categories are used to group together payments (additions) and overheads that are to be treated in the same way by the costing rules set up in Cost Allocations or Mapped Cost Allocations.

To create a costing category

  1. Navigate to the Account Mapping window.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Accounting
  2. Navigate to the Costing Categories tab.
  3. In the Costing Categories pane, right-click: New. The New Cost Category form appears.
  4. Enter the Category Name.


    If the Category is for Overheads, then check the Overhead Category check box.

  5. Click the OK button. The entry appears in the Cost Categories pane.
  6. Continue to assign additions and/or overheads to the relevant category.
  7. Click the OK button to save and exit the window.

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