What are third party definitions?

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You can create Third Party definitions to so that money can be paid to the correct third party. Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Third Party Associations

About the Third Party Associations window

Within this window, you can create and maintain third party definitions. 

Third Party Definitions

You can maintain the details of the various third parties, depending on how you are set up. 
Name Description

This category contains third party account offices to where HMRC order payments can be sent.

AOE Authorities

This category contains the third party authorities to where the AOE order payments can be sent.


This category contains miscellaneous third parties to where the AOE order payments can be sent.

Pension Scheme Providers

This category contains the third party pension parties to where the AOE order payments can be sent. 
Associated with the pension scheme provider, Third Party definitions are a certain set of deduction headings. This is so that money deducted under the headings can be paid. 


Use the following buttons to perform various tasks. 
Name Description
Click this button to create a new Third Party definition.
Click this button to open an existing Third Party definition. You can edit the fields, if necessary.
Click this button to delete a Third Party definition.


About the AOE Authority window

Go to Cintra iQ:  Payroll> Payroll Setup> Third Party Associations.
Click the New button. The New Third Party dialog appears. Select AOE Authority from the Type drop-down list, enter its Name, press enter on yyour keyboard, and then click the Next button. The AOE Authority window appears.
Within the AOE Authority window you can perform the following:
  1. Name the AOE Authority.
  2. View the AOE Orders attached to the Authority.
  3. Determine when the payments are due.
  4. View the AOE Payment History.


Main Details tab


Name Description
General Within this section, you can enter contact details and the AOE authority type
Contact Details
You can enter the name of the main contact person and the address of the AOE authority.


AOE Orders tab



Name Description
Case Number
This displays the Case Number referenced on the employee's court order notification. 
AOE Type
This column displays what the type of AOE order associated to the AOE Authority


Payment Settings tab

Use the Payment Settings tab to set the payment date and the payment type.
Name Description
Payment Date
Within this section, you can determine when the payment will be due to the AOE authority.
Payment Type Within this  section, you can enter the Employee's name as the Payee and determine if the payment will be by cheque or electronic transfer.


Payment History tab

Use this Payment History tab to view the history of payments made to the AOE authority. 


The Run number is only displayed once you have paid the Third Party.


Other Settings tab

Use this Other Settings tab to set the format for the desired Pension Provider

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