MCR: How do I report on teachers in more than one authority?

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How do I report on teachers in more than one authority?

Create the establishment 

  1. Go to: Definitions > Lookups > TP MDC Establishments table.
  2. Enter the desired establishments. Once complete, select save. 

Link the employee to the teaching establishment

  1. Go to: Personnel Record> Forms> Teaching Details. The SIR Details form appears. Select the desired establishment from the Establishment to use for Monthly Data Collection drop down list. Save.
  2. Link the teaching establishment to the employer.

Link the teaching establishment to the employer

  1. Go to: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Employer Setup.
  2. Open the desired employer.
  3. Navigate to the Education Details tab and ensure Use Managed Educational Establishments for Teachers Pension Monthly Data Collection check box is selected. Save.


If the Use Managed Educational Establishments for Teachers Pension Monthly Data Collection check box is selected, then you need to import the establishment data onto your employees' personnel records. To carry out the import, you will a spreadsheet of data containing the Person Identifier and Establishment to Use for Monthly Data Collection.

Ensure that People is selected from both the Data File and Table to import to drop-downs when you set up the import. For more information about importing data into Cintra iQ, see How Do I Import Data into Cintra iQ?


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