How do I make an employee a leaver?

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In order to make an employee a Leaver within Cintra iQ, you must perform the following:

End the Employment Contract

  1. Navigate to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Employment Details.
  2. Enter the employee's End Date.
  3. Select the Leaving Reason.


    The Leaving Reasons are created via Definitions Lookup Table. For more information about Lookup Tables, see How Do I Add a Lookup Table?

  4. Click the Apply button to save.
  5. Click the OK button to exit.

Pay any remaining holiday entitlement

For more information about holiday entitlements

Produce a P45

Depending on your jurisdiction, when an employee leaves a company, they may need to be provided with a form (like the P45 in the UK) that details their pay and the taxes that have been deducted during the tax year. See: How do I produce P45s for leavers? 

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