How do I set up working pattern days?

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Within Cintra iQ, Work Patterns are used to define the days or part days of the working week that are standard working days for an employee or a post. They can be used to define the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of an employee, which can be used to pro-rate salary and/or additional payments or allowances. They are also used to enable accurate reporting of employee absence, which can be related to such payments as Occupational Pay and Statutory Sick Pay.
Before you can assign a work pattern to an employee, the working pattern days must be set up using the Work Patterns Wizard. You can also set up working pattern days by copying and updating an existing pattern. This is useful if you want to create a new working pattern, have few details to change and do not want to create all new data.


To set up working pattern days

Set up the Work Pattern Summary.

  1. Navigate to the Work Pattern records.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Employer Settings> Work Patterns> Navigator
  2. Right-click: New. The Insert Work Patterns Wizard appears.
  3. Enter the Work Pattern Name. 
  4. Enter its Description.


    The Work Pattern Name and Description are displayed in the Navigator, and therefore should be unique.

  5. Select the desired Access Level.
  6. Enter the Sync Start Date


    The Sync Start Date field is mandatory to ensure that the days in your pattern reflect the correct date of the week. This date needs to be before the start of any records for which you are likely to take on historical data, such as sickness data. A very useful date to use is 01/10/1900 as this date happens to be a Monday.

  7. Click the Next button. The Work Pattern Detail window appears. 
  8. Enter the Full Time Hours, if necessary.

Enter the Work Pattern Day Details 

  1. Right-click New in the Work Pattern Details pane. The Insert Work Pattern Day form appears.
  2. Enter the Sequence
  3. Enter the Start Time
  4. Enter the End Time
  5. Enter the Break Length within the day's pattern. 
  6. Identify if the day is either of the following:


    If either option is selected, the System  identifies the day as a work day by the letter Y under the column Worked. Work Day: Select this option if the working day is a full day. Half Day: Select this option if the working day is a half day.

  7. Click the OK button. The record appears in the Work Pattern Details pane.

Continue to create the appropriate work patterns for each day of the week.

Click the Finish button when done.


Inserting Non-work Days: Continue to enter the sequence value you wish the non-work day to appear in the Work Pattern Days list. Then click the OK button. The System  identifies the day as a non-work day by the letter N under the column Worked in the Work Pattern Days pane.

Alternatively, fill in the form, do not select the Working Day or Half Day options and save.  Again the System  identifies the day as a non-work day by the letter N under the column Worked in the Work Pattern Details pane.

To copy and update working pattern days

  1. Navigate to the Work Pattern records.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Employer Settings> Work Patterns> Navigator
  2. Right-click: Copy. The Copy Work Pattern form appears.
  3. Enter the New Work Pattern title.
  4. Update the Description, if necessary.
  5. Click the OK button. The new work pattern record is now available in the Navigator
  6. Highlight the new record and go to Forms> Work Pattern Details.
  7. Continue to update the Work Pattern Details form where necessary.

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