How do I create a work pattern for SSP?

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Within Cintra iQ, Work Patterns are used to define the days or part days of the working week that are standard working days for an employee or a post. They can be used to define the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of an employee, which can be used to pro-rate salary and/or additional payments or allowances. They are also used to enable accurate reporting of employee absence, which can be related to such payments as Occupational Pay and Statutory Sick Pay.
Before you can assign a work pattern to an employee, the working pattern days must be set up using the Work Patterns Wizard. The Qualifying SSP Pattern is the same as working pattern option is automatically set as default in the Qualifying Pattern Days tab.
If the Qualifying SSP Pattern is not the same as the working pattern, you can identify which of the sequence records become qualifying days within the pane.

How do I create a work pattern for SSP?

  1. Go to: Employer Settings > Work Patterns >  Record > Work Pattern Details form.
  2. Select the Qualifying Pattern Days tab.
  3. Right-click: New. The Insert Qualifying Pattern Day dialogue appears.
  4. Enter the Sequence.
  5. Select whether the pattern is a Qualifying Day.
  6. Click the OK button.

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