How do I manage users?

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  1. From the tool bar, select USERS

  2. The Manage Users window appears. From the list, double click on new user.

password reset iQ2.png 

  1. The User Details window appears.
  2. Click on the Select Active Directory User button. The LDAP Users window appears. 
  3. With the Domain set to IQ, choose your Base DN. Highlight the desired person, and select okay. 

Manage Users allows you to create, delete and manage user accounts, allocate security profiles, reset passwords, and control Payroll Access and Audit Access within Cintra iQ. For more information about User procedures, see User Tasks.


 Good to Know

You must have System Administration permission in order to access this functionality.

Go to Cintra iQ: System Administration> Manage Users 
Within the Manage Users window you can perform the following:
  • Create a new user definition.
  • Edit a user's definition.
  • Assign a security profile.
  • Print or save the User Report.
  • Reset user password.

Main Settings

Enter or select the following Main settings: 
Name Description
User Logon Name Enter the name that you will use to log on to Cintra iQ. 


Once the Logon User Name is created, you can not edit it. You can only delete it and then recreate it.

Name The user's name.
Account Type
  1. System Administrator: Has access to all functionality and all user administration options in  Cintra iQ
  2. User: Has restricted access to functionality.
  3. User Administrator: Has restricted access to Printer Setup, Print, Exiting iQ, Cutting, Copying and Pasting. Can manage access and users, apply upgrades and licenses and access Help.


Any user who is set up to be a System Administrator has the same rights as that of the current SYSADM.

Account Status
Active: Use this to allow the user to login when ever they want.
Disabled: This means the account has been manually disabled by another System/User Administrator. e.g. This is useful if someone has left the company.
Locked: This is automatically set by the system after a user has tried to login under a different password and has exceeded the number of tries.
New: Use this status when creating a new account so the system can tell when the user logs in for the first time. The status will then change to Active.
Security Profile
Select the desired security profile from the drop down list or leave it blank. The security option is set  up in Profiles and each security profiles is a collection of security definitions which are created in File Permissions Security, Menu Security, Record Security, Field Security, and Lookup Security


If the profile is left as  NONE, then there is no security attached to the user


Payroll Access tab

This tab affects the functions on the Payroll menu. You can restrict payroll access for different users who work with payrolls so that they only have access to specific ones.


This tab does not restrict access to the Payroll Forms such as Payslips, Payroll Periods and Input, Deductions etc; It only restricts the user's ability to perform within the Payroll menus.

Name Description
No Payroll Access Select this option to  restrict access to the Payroll menu options and to Payroll reports in the Report Writer. This is automatically set as default. 
Full Payroll access Select this option to allow the user to have access to all Payrolls within the Payroll menus in the Report Writer. A choice of all payrolls is displayed when selecting from a Payroll Period drop-down list.
Restricted Payroll Access Select this to restrict all access to the payroll menu options with a restricted list of payrolls. Once the radio button is selected, the list of payrolls within the system appears in the Prohibit access to these payrolls: (Check to Prohibit) pane.
Prohibit access to these payrolls: (Check to Prohibit) Allows you to prohibit access to specific payrolls within the system, by selecting  from the list of Payrolls.

Audit Access tab

This tab displays a list of existing users. By selecting one or more existing users, you are allowing this new user to look at the audit log of their changes to Cintra iQ.

 Good to Know

An HR Manager user is newly created and is head of a team of four. If the four other users are selected in the pane, the HR Manager can audit their changes to the system.


Any security profile applied, will not apply to the audit log of another user.

Allow Audit on these users: (Check to Allow Audit)
This pane contains the available users of Cintra iQ.

User Detail Report

The Cintra iQ User Detail Report shows you at a glance all the users that are created with Cintra iQ. The report details the following: User's name, their login name, their user title, whether they are active, their security profile, and the payrolls to which they have no access.

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