What is letter history?

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What is letter history?

Letter history in Cintra iQ refers to the record of all the letters generated within the system. This feature allows users to track and manage the letters that have been created and sent.

How do I view letter history?

When a Letter Run is saved, you can view all the letters within the run.
  • Go to Cintra iQ: Letters> Letter Definitions window> Run History button

About the Letter Run History Window

The Letter Run History window displays a historic list of all letter runs. This includes the:
  1. Letter Title - This column identifies the Letter Template Title of each letter created.
  2. Run Date - This column identifies the date in which a letter run was generated.
  3. Run Description - This column identifies the Letter Run Description entered in the Letter window.
  4. Run By - This column identifies who created the letter.
  5. No of Recipients - This column identifies the number of people who received the letter(s).
  6. Letter Type - This column identifies the Data File type that is linked to the letter. e.g. Employee or Job etc.

How do I view the letters associated with an employee?

  1. When a Letter Run is saved, a copy of the letter is saved to the employee's Letter History
  2. Go to Cintra iQ: Folders: Personnel Record> Forms> Related Documents> Letter History tab

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