After a Letter Run is saved, the results are stored in Cintra iQ. You can view the history of all letters or review a particular employee's letter and then delete it if necessary.
To delete employee letters
- Navigate to the employee's Letter History.
Go to Cintra iQ: Personnel Record> Forms> Related Documents> Letter History tab - Select the desired Letter Title.
- Right-click. A menu appears.
- Select Delete. A message appears asking: Are you sure you wish to Delete this Letter?
- Click the Yes button. The Letter is deleted from the Letter History tab.
- Click the OK button to close.
To define the sort order
- Navigate to the Sort tab.
- Select the desired field in the Letter fields: pane.
- Click the Add button. The field appears in the Sort Letters by: pane.
- Continue to add the desired fields to the Sort Order pane, if necessary.
You can select whether you wish the fields to sort in either an Ascending or Descending direction.
- Click the OK button. The letter is saved.
To sort data by repeat selection
You can sort the letters even further by sorting the data within repeat selections. When a repeated selection is set in the letter, the fields to be repeated appear in the defined sort order.
- Navigate to the Sort tab.
- Select the desired field in the Letter fields with repeat selections: pane.
- Click the Add button. The field appears in the Sort data with repeat selection by: pane.
- Continue to add the desired fields to the Sort Order pane, if necessary.
You can select whether you wish the fields to sort in either an Ascending or Descending direction.
- Click the OK button. The letter is saved.