How do I edit/personalise a letter?

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From within Cintra iQLetters allow you to provide employees with standard documents such as contracts of employment and welcome letters, as well as providing outside bodies with pre set information such as contract letters.
Cintra iQ allows you to create and manage your own letters, which can contain data from within the system. These letters can then be run for a single person or group of people when required.
The key benefit of using the Letters functionality is that each letter produced is stored in the Personnel Record sub folder, which acts as an electronic filing cabinet.
After you have created a Letter definition, you can run (generate) it from the Letter Definitions window.
Go to Cintra iQ:  Menu bar> Definitions> Letters or Lower right-hand of Cintra iQ window.


Before you run the letter, ensure that you have attached a filter to the Letter Definition or use the Collection functionality in order to target the appropriate people.

To edit/personalise a letter

  1. Navigate to the Letter Definitions window.
  2. Select the desired recipient from the Name pane.
  3. Enter/modify the desired text in the Letter Body.
  4. Click the Save Letters button.
  5. Click the OK button to close.


    You can view the personalised letter via the Letter History window. For more information, see Viewing Letter History.


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