How do I create holiday entitlement schemes?

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Within Holiday Entitlements Schemes within Cintra iQ, you can create a set of rules to determine full time contracted entitlement.  The full time entitlement will be automatically subjected to a Pro Rata calculation for the part time employees or starters and leavers within the year.
For more information about Holiday Entitlement Schemes, see About Holiday Entitlement Schemes
Go to Cintra iQ: Tools> Holiday Entitlements> Entitlement Schemes


In order to base the Holiday Entitlement Scheme on an attendance category, the categories must be created in Definitions Lookups Attendance Categories.


About the Holiday Entitlement Scheme window

Within the Holiday Entitlement Scheme window, you can perform the following:
  1. Create Holiday Entitlement.
  2. Create Length of Service Entitlement.
  3. Create Additional Grade Entitlement.

About the Holiday Entitlement pane

You can set up the employees' holiday entitlement within this pane, where you can create and edit Holiday Entitlements using the Holiday Entitlement form.


Effective Period

Name Description
Enter the date the entitlement rules are in effect within the organisation.
Enter a date here if the entitlement rules are changing and you want to close the current set of entitlement rules.

Annual Full Time Entitlement 

Name Description
Entitlement (in days/hours) 
Depending on how your attendance category is set up, enter the number of days/hours the employees are entitled to take.
Maximum days brought forward
Depending on how your attendance category is set up, enter the number of days/hours the employees are allowed to bring forward to the following year's allotment.
Full time work pattern (used to establish part time pro rata entitlements)
Select the work pattern that represents a full time employee. This will be used when establishing part time pro rata factors for entitlement.

About the Length of Service Entitlement pane

When employees work for a length of time within your organisation, you can award them additional holiday entitlement through this pane, where you can create and edit Service Entitlements using the Service Entitlement form.
Name Description
Months of service required for entitlement
Enter the months of service required for the entitlement
Additional Entitlement (in days/hours)
Depending on how your attendance category is set up, enter the  additional entitlement for the length of service in either days or hours.


About the Additional Grade Entitlement pane

When employees reach a certain grade or position within your organisation, you can award them additional holiday entitlement through this pane, where you can create and edit Grade Entitlements using the Grade Entitlement form.
Name Description
When an employee reaches a specific grade of pay or position, select the grade that you wish to attach to the entitlement.
Additional Entitlement (in days/hours)
Depending on how your attendance category is set up, enter the  entitlement for the grade either in days or hours.
Within Holiday Entitlements Schemes, you can create a set of rules to determine full time contracted entitlement. The full time entitlement will be automatically subjected to a Pro Rata calculation for the part time employees or starters and leavers within the year. You can create  Holiday Entitlement Schemes to apply to employees depending on which  Attendance Category you select when creating the scheme.


In order to base the Holiday Entitlement Scheme on an attendance category, the categories must be created in the Lookup Table. For more information, see How Do I Add Absence Categories to the Lookup Table?


To create a holiday entitlement scheme

  1. Navigate to the Holiday Entitlement window.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Tools> Holiday Entitlements> Entitlement Schemes.
  2. Click the New button. The New Holiday Entitlement Scheme dialogue appears.
  3. Enter the scheme's Name.
  4. Select the Attendance Category to which the scheme applies.
  5. Click the Next button. The New Holiday Entitlement Scheme window appears.
  6. Create the Holiday Entitlement.
    1. Click the New button. The Holiday Entitlement form appears.
    2. Enter the date(s) in which the entitlement comes into effect/ends within your organisation.
    3. Enter the Entitlement in days allocated to each employee.
    4. Enter the maximum number days brought forward from the previous year.
    5. Select the desired Full time work pattern.
    6. Click the OK button. The Holiday Entitlement Set Record appears in the Holiday Entitlement Set pane.
  7. Create a Length in Service Entitlement.
    1. Navigate to the Length in Service Entitlement pane.
    2. Click the New button. The Service in Length form appears.
    3. Enter the Months of service required for entitlement.
    4. Enter Additional Entitlement (in days), if applicable.
    5. Click the OK button. The Length of Service record appears in the Length of Service Entitlement pane.
  8. Add an Addition Grade Entitlement.
    1. Navigate to the Add Grade Entitlement pane.
    2. Click the New button. The Grade Entitlement form appears.
    3. Select the desired Grade.
    4. Enter the Additional Entitlement (in days).
    5. Click the OK button. The Additional Grade Entitlement is displayed in the Additional Grade Entitlement pane.
  9. Click the OK button. The Entitlement Scheme is created.
  10. Continue to create the different schemes for the different groups of employees within your organisation.

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