How do I edit the payroll periods in accounting periods?

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Cintra iQ holds the functionality to produce a costing file that is relevant to your accounting system, so that you can upload the file without having to manually enter the data.


In my company, I have a monthly payroll for the office staff. I have a weekly payroll for the factory staff. My accounting year runs from 01 July to 30 June. It runs in months. There are twelve accounting months and the first will be in July. In July, I'll need Journals covering the month of July payroll and weeks 14-17 of the weekly payroll. I need to produce a journal for those weeks.

The Pay Periods in Accounting Periods functionality is primarily for information only, but if you have a weekly or fortnightly payroll, occasionally you may need to change the period into which the payrolls are allocated.


I have set up weeks 1 to 4 for April , weeks 5 to 8 for May and weeks 9 to 13 for June, but my accountant says that week 13 should be in July. Therefore I should edit the assignment of the payroll period to an accounting period.

The Payroll Periods in Accounting Periods window displays the pay periods in the accounting periods that were created in Accounting Groups.  When necessary, you can open a record and change the accounting period to which it is allocated.

To edit pay periods

  1. Navigate to the Payroll Periods in Accounting Periods window.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll>Payroll Tools> Accounting> Periods in Accounting Period
  2. Right-click: Open on the desired record. The Edit Payroll Period in Accounting Period form appears. 
  3. Select the desired period from the Assign to Accounting Period drop down list.
  4. Click the Save button. The changes are displayed.

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