How do I transfer employees to alternative payrolls?

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Once you have created multiple Payrolls for an employer within Cintra iQ, you can transfer an employee between payroll memberships by moving the employee from one payroll to another payroll, providing the PAYE reference number is the same for all payrolls.


For more information about how to associate a payroll to the selected PAYE scheme, see How Do I Associate a Payroll to a PAYE Scheme?

How do I transfer employees?

  1. Go to: Employments Records> Forms> Payroll Membership. The Payroll Membership History window appears. 
  2. Right-click: New. The Payroll Transfer form appears. 
  3. Select the desired Payroll.
  4. Enter the Start Date.
  5. Select the desired Period you wish the employee to start the new payroll membership from. The start date is the day after the current payroll membership ends, which is the start of the new payroll membership.


    The period is the tax period in which the employee is transferring (this can be the same as the current period and if this is the case two payslips will be produced for that period). 

  6. Click the OK button. The employee is transferred to the payroll.
  7. Check that the Payments and Rates are correct.


    If salary and payments are changing due to the transfer, you may need to end current payments then attach new payments to the employee. Important: Payments from grades and spine points may continue through. To find where these payments are coming from, go to the Payments/Rates form. 

  8. Calculate the Payroll.

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