How do I share parental leave?

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Working parents of a baby due or an adoptive child placed on or after 5 April 2015 may be eligible for Shared Parental Leave (ShPL) and/or Shared Parental Pay (ShPP). Under ShPL and ShPPMain Carers, also know as primary carers, (mothers/adopters) can choose to end their maternity/adoption leave and pay, early (at any point from two weeks after the birth/placement - four weeks if they are factory workers), and share their untaken pay and leave with their partner.


A Main Carer's partner is considered to be either their husband, wife, civil partner or joint adopter, the child’s other parent or their live-in partner.

The Sharing Parental Leave and Pay document explains the background of ShPL and ShPP, and details how to perform the following:
  • Establish Parental Leave and Pay for the mother within Cintra iQ.
  • Establish Parental Leave and Pay for the partner within Cintra iQ.
  • Establish Parental Leave and Pay for the adopter within Cintra iQ.

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