How do I create email notification for timesheets waiting approval

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Timesheets email notifications

Cintra iQ allows you to automatically send emails to managers when employee timesheets are waiting to be approved.


How do I create email notifications?

The timesheet email notification requires an Interface to be configured. Our support team can assist with this task. 

      1. Navigate to Tools > Interface Definitions and populate this window

      1. Open Outband Table

This interface will need to be run and an outbound file produced. It will only produce notification data.


How do I create timesheet email notifications?

    1. Go to: Workspace or Definitions> Email Notification> Email Definitions window.
    2. Select the 'Write an employment email' as the subfolder on which to base the email notification.
    3. Select the New button. The Edit Email Definition window appears.
    4. Enter the Email Template Title. The Email Fields tab is displayed by default.
    5. Select the appropriate email field from the Available Field pane or perform a search. The available field is highlighted and appears in the Selected Fields pane.
    6. 'TS Claim Pending Count' email field - gives you a number of timesheet claims waiting to be approved
    7. 'TS Claim Notification Employee List' email filed - provides the names of employees that require timesheet to be approved
    8. 'First Name' from Employment Details>Person>First Name - is the manager's name
    9. Select the Filter & Uniqueness tab.
    10. Select 'Time Sheet Notification' from the Send this email for every ... that satisfies the filters drop-down list.
    11. Send the email automatically if desired, by selecting Auto-send 
    12. Click the Email Body tab.
    13. Enter the recipient(s) and the subject in the To:Cc: and Subject fields. And attach a file if desired.
    14. Enter the desired information by typing text and adding the appropriate fields.
    15. Click the OK button. You are returned to the Email Definitions window. You are now ready to schedule the notification to be sent.

How do I generate an email manually?

          1. Go to: Workspace or Definitions > Email Notification > Email Definitions window

          2. Select the email definition.
          3. Click the Run button. The New Run description pop up appears
          4. Enter a unique name so that you can view the history of the email runs. 
          5. Click Send. The emails are generated. Note: The system checks if any outstanding records matching the email definition can be found and then creates the emails.
          6. For the emails to run on regular schedule select 'Schedule' on the Email Definitions window


Emails are generated daily until all claims are approved. Only timesheets that were created within a month will trigger an email notification.

The interface will not run automatically until a schedule is set up. Our support team will be able to do this for you. 

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