How do I use Cintra iQ to help me control the flow of absence data?

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Cintra iQ allows you to create reports, filters, and email triggers which can help you control your absence records. This article will tell you how to:

  • know when absences were booked.

  • who approved the absence and when.

  • create suggested filters.

  • send email notifications to managers to remind them to approve absence after X days.

  • send reminders to employees or managers to complete declarations

All absence information can be found under the Absence Allowances form/Absence Bookings tab. You can use this window to find the data when you create your reports.

Example of report for missing data on absence records.

If you need to know how to create a user-defined report, follow this link

All the data you need to report on is in the Absence Allowances/Absence Bookings and in the Calendar/Attendance Period folders:

  • Absence Allowances->Absence Bookings->

  • Calendar->Attendance Period->

In our example, we used those fields to report on:

For this report to work correctly you also need to apply a Data Filter. Create your filter to capture approved sickness with missing declarations after a specific date. You might also want to exclude employees who have left.

For more information on how to create filters click here.

Once you added your filter to the report you need to make sure you ‘Suppress Records NOT satisfying Data Filters’:


Listing Report for declaration details not completed by the employee


For this report, we selected the following data from the listed folders:

  • Employment Summary->Employment Summary->

  • Calendar->Attendance Period->

  • Calendar->Attendance Period->Return to work->


the declaration questions are specific to your payroll and the above is just an example. You may not see this on your payroll.

A data Filter must also be applied and our expression is:


Once you add your filter to the report, you need to ‘Suppress Records NOT satisfying Data Filters’.

Listing Report for declaration details not completed by the manager

For this report, we selected the same data as above:

but we used different filters:


the filter you create will be specific to your database and the above is just an example.


Once you added your filter to the report you need to make sure you ‘Suppress Records NOT satisfying Data Filters’.


Listing report for sickness that is not approved

For this report, we used data from the following folders:

  • Employment Summary->Employment Summary->

  • Calendar->Attendance Period->Attendance Period Category->

  • Absence Allowances->Absence Bookings->Absence Booking: Reason->

  • Absence Allowances->Absence Bookings->Absence Booking Authoriser->

Add your data filters:

Once you add your filter to the report you need to make sure you ‘Suppress Records NOT satisfying Data Filters’.


Example of Email Notifications to manager and employee for missing data on absence records.

You can use Email triggers to remind managers to approve sickness after X number of days. You can send reminders to employees and managers to complete declarations.

Navigate to the Employee Notification form.

Email notification for unapproved sickness - to the manager

Start by selecting your email fields which can be located in the same folder as when you created your reports:

  • Absence Allowances->Absence Bookings->

  • Employment Details->Person->

  • Employment Summary->Employment Summary->


It is also important to apply the correct filter, which you will need to create. For example, if you want to catch an absence that is not approved and it was submitted more than one week ago, use this expression for your filter:

Come back to the Email Notifications and apply your filter also make sure you selected the correct criteria for ‘Send this email once for every….. that satisfies the filters.’


Navigate to the Email Body tab where you can construct your email:


Email notification for missing return to work date - to employee

Example of selected fields for the email body:

Create a filter and add it to your email:

Selected the correct criteria for ‘Send this email once for every….. that satisfies the filters.’


Email Body:

Email notification for missing return to work date - to the manage

Select Email Fields:

create and apply your filter:


Selected the correct criteria for ‘Send this email once for every….. that satisfies the filters.’



Construct Email Body:



we recommend running your emails manually first to ensure everything is correct.



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