How do I report on Gross Pay Totals by grouping the headings?

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The standard reporting in reports such as Gross to Net will total gross pay as determined by Reporting Groups that are defined at setup e.g. if you want to have a number of overtime elements that you wish to be amalgamated into one total then you could create a Reporting Group called Overtime and attach to this group the elements of overtime.


Reporting Groups

  1. Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Reporting Groups. You will be presented with the following window form:

Depending on which Reporting Group that you are working on there will be a list of types of Headings. The above Heading types relate to Payment Heading Groups. By expanding each of the Headings in each Group you will see which Heading is reported in which Reporting Group.
The right-hand side of the form shows any unmapped headings.


Create a New Reporting Group

  1. To create a new Payment Heading Reporting Group in the Payment Heading Groups right click your mouse and select New and you will see the following form:
  2. Type in a name e.g. Overtime and in this case leave the default Reporting Group. Type as Payment Heading Group. Click on OK.


Map Headings to Reporting Group

If there are no unmapped Headings then you will need to take the overtime headings out of the group in which they are currently mapped. In this example, they sit in the
Payments Group.

  1. Click on the Payments Group in the top left pane:
  2. In the bottom left pane click on the Headings that relate to overtime and then click on the arrow button. These headings will be moved to the Unmapped panes.
  3. In the top left pane click on the Overtime Group and then click on the unmapped overtime headings and click on the arrow button to map them individually or to map them all to the new Reporting Group.

Before you finish in this form you should ensure that there are NO unmapped headings.
Click OK to close the form.


How Reporting Groups Effect the Gross to Net Report

  1. To run the Gross to Net Report select the following:-
    Payroll > Payroll Tools > Payroll Reports menu select the Gross to Net Report. You will be presented with the following selection form:
  2. When you click Next you will need to select the payroll and the period you wish to run the report for. If you only have one payroll then you will only have this to select.
  3. Click on the Next button and you will see the following selection form.
  4. You can choose the Subtotal and sort sequence. Click on the Next button and you then have a further selection, depending on your previous criteria.
  5. Click Next and you will see the selection criteria you have chosen then click Run to generate your report. For the build-up to Gross, I have now got two Reporting Groups – Overtime and Payments.
  6. An extract of this is shown below:

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