In order to view Return to Work Declaration forms and Training Event Feedback forms within Self-Service, you must first set up the forms within Cintra iQ. Each form should contain questions for the Self-Service user to answer.
You must have System Administration permission in order to access this functionality. Go to Cintra iQ: System Administration Self-Service Forms
About the Ratings Tab
Within the Ratings tab, you can perform the following:
Create a Ratings Set.
Create ratings to include in the Rating Set.
Edit a Rating Set.
Rating Set pane
A Rating Set is used when you want to display a drop down choice for a question response.
Met expectations.
Did not meet expectations. Or yes/no etc.
Rating Set buttons
Use these buttons to perform various tasks.
Name | Description |
New | Click this button to enter the name of the header in which to attach the rating records. |
Open | Click this button to edit an existing Rating Set title. |
Delete | Click this button to delete the rating set from the pane. |
Ratings Pane
A Rating Set may include Outstanding, Adequate, Under performing or Yes, No or Agree, Disagree, Slightly Agree etc. Within this pane, you can create a rating by entering its title, selecting the order in which it appears in the drop down list, and entering a description.
Ratings Buttons
Use these buttons to perform various tasks.
Name | Description |
New | Click this button to create a rating that will appear as a choice within the drop down list. |
Open | Click this button to edit an existing rating |
Delete | Click this button to remove the rating from the choices on the drop down list. |
About the Questions Tab
- Create a Question Group.
- Create and add questions to the Question Group.
- Edit a Question Group.
- Edit a Question.
Question Group Pane
A Question Group is the title of the header under which you apply individual questions. A single question group can then be selected for use in a Return to Work Declaration form or a Training Event Feedback form. What is entered in this pane is selectable when you want to define the form that you wish to appear in Self-Service.
Question Group Buttons
Use these buttons to perform various tasks.
Name | Description |
New | Click this button to create a question group title. |
Open | Click this button to edit an existing question group. |
Delete | Click this button to delete the question group from the pane. |
Question Pane
Within this pane, you can create the questions that can appear on the Self-Service Return to Work Declaration form or Training Event Feedback form.
Name | Description |
Group Name | This is the title of the Set of Questions that appear on the form. |
Identifier | This identifies the question and will show in the data picker for reporting on question responses. |
Sequence | This defines the order in which the questions appear on the form. |
Response Type |
Bool: Use this option to allow the user to check a check box in answer to the question.
Date: Use this option to allow the user to enter a date box as an answer to the question No Response: Use this option to create a text header within the form.
Number: Use this option to allow the user to enter a numeric value.
Rating: Use this option to allow the user to select an answer from a drop-down list. This is the ratings set in the Ratings tab.
Text: Using this option to allow the user to enter free text as an answer.
Rating Set | These sets were created in the Ratings tab. When Rating is selected as the Response Type, select the desired rating set . |
Form Text | This is the text that appears on the form as either the question or header. |
User |
Visible: The question is visible to the Self-Service user.
Editable: The question response is editable by the Self-Service user. Mandatory: The question must be answered by the Self-Service user.
Approver |
Visible: The question is visible to the Self-Service approver.
Editable: The question response is editable by the Self-Service approver. Mandatory: The question must be answered by the Self-Service approver.
Question Pane Buttons
Name | Description |
New | Click this button to create a question record for the Self-Service form. |
Open | Click this button to edit an existing question record. |
Delete | Click this button to delete the question record from the pane. |
About the Forms Tab
You can either create a Return to Work Declaration form and/or a Training Event Feedback form within the Form tab. Once created, the form will appear in Self-Service.
Within the Forms tab, you can perform the following:
Configure the form to contain the desired questions and details.
Edit an existing form.
You must select a form Type before you can create the form.
This drop-down lists the type of forms available in Self-Service.
Definitions Pane
Depending on what type of forms you select, this pane contains the Form definitions that appear in Self-Service when the Self-Service user selects the corresponding Return to Work Declaration or Training Event.
- Training Event Feedback
Name | Description |
New | Click this button to create a new Return to Work Declaration form or Training Event Feedback form. |
Open | Click this button to edit an existing Return to Work Declaration form or Training Event Feedback form. |
Delete | Click this button to delete the desired Return to Work Declaration form or Training Event Feedback form from the pane. |