How do I create a return-to-work declaration form?

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In order to view Return to Work Declaration (RtW) forms and Training Event Feedback forms within Self-Service, you must first set up the forms within Cintra iQ. Each form should contain questions for the Self-Service user to answer. You can create either a Return to Work Declaration form and/or a Training Event Feedback form within the Forms tab. Once created, the form will appear in Self-Service. Within the Forms tab, you can configure the form to contain the desired questions and details or edit an existing form.


You must select a form Type before you can create the form. 

To create a RtW form

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab.
    Go to Cintra iQ: System Administration> Self-Service Forms> Forms tab
  2. Select the form TypeReturn to work declaration.
  3. Click the New button. The New [name of form] form appears. 
  4. Select the desired Question Group.
  5. Select the desired Attendance Category.
  6. Enter the Form Name.
  7. Enter the From date.


    This is the date from which this form is active in Self-Service.

  8. Enter the To date, if applicable.
  9. Click the OK button. The form appears in the Definitions pane.
  10. Continue to create the desired forms.


To create a Training Feedback form, follow the steps above except choose the training feedback type and select the desired training category. Ensure that the category is the same as the course's that is to receive feedback.

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