How do I set a default pension scheme for all employees?

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Cintra iQ has an Auto Enrolment (AE) facility, which takes you through the process of amending a pension scheme set up, defining which payment headings are pensionable and which headings are classed as Qualifying Earnings, running an assessment, and enrolling employees into the relevant Auto Enrolment scheme. Cintra iQ can also manage Opt ins and Opt outs.
You can define whether your Pension Scheme Part is the following:
  • Is a Qualifying Contribution: Passes the pension regulator's minimum terms. 
  • Supports Auto Enrolment: AE chooses this part to enrol employees into the scheme and set contributions.
In order to pre define which pension scheme an employee will be enrolled into, you can set a default pension scheme for the payroll.


The Default Pension Scheme Part when Auto-Enrollable setting within an employee's Expense & Benefits window takes precedence over the default pension scheme set in Auto Enrolment. If it is not set, the default pension scheme setting in Auto Enrolment will be used.

To set a default pension scheme for all employees

  1. Navigate to the Employer window. The Employer definition window appears.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Employer Setup
  2. Select the desired Employer definition. 
  3. Click the Open button.  The Employer window appears. 
  4. Navigate to the PAYE & Payrolls tab.
  5. Open an existing payroll associated with the selected PAYE scheme. The Payroll window appears.
  6. Navigate to the Additional Settings tab.
  7. Navigate to the Other Settings section.
  8. Click the AE Pension Settings button. The Pension Scheme - Auto Enrolment form appears.
  9. Select the desired Pension Scheme Part to use when Auto Enrolling via Workflow setting.
  10. Click the OK button.
  11. Click the OK button to exit the Payroll window.

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