Normally, if you have not performed an auto enrolment assessment before creating the payment run, you will receive an auto enrolment reminder stating: The Auto Enrolment Assessment has not been carried out for the period. You can hide the message.
To hide the reminder message
- Navigate to the Employer window. The Employer definition window appears.
Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Employer Setup - Select the desired Employer definition.
- Click the Open button. The Employer window appears.
- Navigate to the PAYE & Payrolls tab.
- Open an existing payroll associated with the selected PAYE scheme. The Payroll window appears.
- Navigate to the Additional Settings tab.
- Navigate to the Other Settings section.
Click the AE Pension Settings button. The Pension Scheme - Auto Enrolment form appears.
Click the Suppress Auto Enrolment Reminder Messages check box.
Click the OK button.