How do I create full pay factors for occupational sickness pay?

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Cintra iQ provides a facility to manage a range of Occupational Sick Pay (OSP) schemes. OSP entitlements are calculated by length of continuous service and paid as a factor of full pay. An employee can only be attached to one scheme at any specific date, but you can create any number of schemes with different rules. Within the OSP scheme, you can define the Entitlement settings and details.

How do I create full pay factors?

  1. Navigate to the Occupational Sickness Schemes window. 
    Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Benefit Schemes> Occupational Sick Pay.
  2. Open the desired scheme. 
  3. Navigate to the Entitlements tab.
  4. Click the Full Pay Factors button. The Full Pay Factors window appears.
  5. Right-click: New. The New Full Pay Factor dialogue appears.
  6. Click the OK button. The Full Pay Factor window is populated.
  7. Continue to create new factors, if necessary.
  8. Click the OK button when finished. The factors appear in the Entitlements tab> Entitlement details pane.


    You can also define at each of the factors, whether SSP still needs to be offset. This is because some organisations do not offset SSP when an employee reduces below a factor of 1.0.


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