How do I correct MCR errors?

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Unable to Determine Role Rule: Contribution Linked to Closed Post

1. Link Contribution to an Open Post:

  1. Navigate to Cintra iQ: Employment record > Expenses & Benefits > Pension & Benefit Schemes tab.
  2. Select the desired scheme membership.
  3. Open the contribution record.
  4. In the Edit Standing Pension Contribution form, check the "Applies To A Particular Post" box.
  5. Choose the desired post from the drop-down menu.
  6. Save the changes.

2. Remove Post from Contribution:

  1. Confirm the post is closed via Cintra iQ: Employment record > Forms > Post History by checking the From and To dates.
  2. Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record > Forms > Expenses/Benefits > Pension & Benefit Schemes tab.
  3. Open the contribution record.
  4. In the Edit Standing Pension Contribution form, uncheck the "Applies To A Particular Post" box.
  5. Save the changes.


  • Close the contribution record by entering the To Date on the Edit Standing Contribution form and saving.
  • To create a new standing pension contribution record, right-click New in the Expenses/Benefits Pension & Benefit Schemes tab, enter the desired information, select Applies to A Particular Post, choose the desired post, and save.

Unable to Import File: Unexpected File Header Row Definition

The file cannot be imported due to a mismatch in column headers. Ensure the .csv file has the same columns as the Save to Role Id Template file.

To create the correct import file:

  1. Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll > Payroll Tools > Payroll Reports > Teachers Pension - Monthly Contribution Reconciliation.
  2. Click the Save to Role Id Template button to generate the import file in the Employee Role Id tab.

Employee Missing Establishment for Monthly Data Collection

To set up the establishment for the employee:

  1. Set Up Teaching Establishment:

    • Go to Cintra iQ: Definitions > Lookups > TP MDC Establishments.
    • Enter the desired establishments and save.
  2. Link Employee to Teaching Establishment:

    • Go to Cintra iQ: Personnel Record > Forms > Teaching Details.
    • In the SIR Details form, select the desired establishment from the Establishment to use for Monthly Data Collection drop-down list and save.
  3. Link Teaching Establishment to Employer:

    • Ensure the Use Managed Educational Establishments for Teachers Pension Monthly Data Collection checkbox is selected.
    • Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Employer Setup.
    • Open the desired employer, navigate to the Teaching Details tab, and ensure the checkbox is selected.
    • Save.

Employee in Pension Report but Not in MCR File

  1. Check Employee's Teaching Post:

    • Does the employee have a valid teaching post?
    • Does the post have a valid spine point?
    • Does the post have a valid working pattern?
    • Ensure the Job Category in the employee's Post History form is a teaching role: Cintra iQ: Employment Record > Forms > Post History.
    • Verify Job Categories in the Job Category Lookup table are set as teaching roles: Cintra iQ: Definitions > Lookups > Lookup Table: Job Category.

    Note: If the employee is not in a teaching role, you can add one. For more information, see How Do I Assign Posts to Employees?

  2. Verify Employee's Expenses and Benefits:

    • Check for overlapping pension memberships.
    • Ensure the leave date is entered in the employee's Pension Scheme Membership record: Cintra iQ: Employment Record > Forms > Expenses/Benefits.
  3. Check Employee's Role ID:

    • Ensure all employees have a Role ID in the Role Id tab: Cintra iQ: Payroll > Payroll Tools > Payroll Reports > Teachers Pension - Monthly Contribution Reconciliation.

Overlapping Pension Scheme Memberships

  1. Resolve Overlapping Memberships:
    • Is the employee a member of both the TPA and TPA Care schemes? Ensure the employee is in only one scheme: Cintra iQ: Employment Record > Forms > Expenses/Benefits > Pensions & Benefits Schemes tab.
    • Is the second Scheme Membership still active? Enter a To date for the unwanted scheme in the Scheme Membership pane.
    • Is the contribution associated with a closed post? Unselect the Applies To A Particular Post checkbox in the closed scheme's contribution record: Cintra iQ: Employment Record > Forms > Expenses/Benefits.

Missing or Invalid National Insurance Number

  • Navigate to personnel Records > Personal Details > Enter or Amend NI Number


Post (Example post name) has no Role ID

Each new post entered applied to an employee will require a Role ID number

  • Navigate to the Employee Role ID tab,
  • on the bottom of the tab, select the option to Generate Role ID’s,
  • Once you have done this, Save,
  • Re-generate your MCR file.

Missing GTC Reference

  • Navigate to Personnel Records > Teaching Details

  • Re-Generate your MCR File

Pensionable pay has not been assigned to a post addition

SMP addition in period 10 has not been assigned to the post

  • Navigate to your parental payments tab in forms > Select your Claim > Navigate to the second tab > Maternity Pay Schedule > Use the drop-down to select the post > Apply > Ok 

  • Re-Generate your MCR file

We have ‘Full time salary not between ?13000 and ?350000’
This message means either of the following: 

Name Description
Has No Salary Attached to Post
Within the employee's Payments form, ensure that an FTE is attached to the post.
    1. Navigate to the Allowance and Rates Summary tab in the employee's Standing Allowance and Rates form. The message in MCR will tells you which Post is incorrect. Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Payments/Rates
    2. Expand the Post's allowance and rate to see if an FTE amount is displayed. 
      Note: The employee may have more than one post. You need to be able to see a FTE salary for each post.
    3. If there is no FTE salary visible, navigate to the employee's Post History form.
      Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Post History
    4. Double-click the employee's post. The Edit Employee Post form appears. 
    5. Ensure the Spine Point Salary Paid As field is populated with the desired grade.
    6. Save and recalculate.

Post has a salary attached that is under £13000 or above £35000

Within the employee's Post History form, ensure that the spine point attached to the employee is between 13000 and 350000.
    1. Navigate to the Spine Point tab.
    2. Ensure the current spine point attached to the post is between 13000 and 350000.
    3. Save and recalculate.


      If you do not use the Post History form to drive your salaries, navigate to the Payments/Rates form and check the salary there. It may be the case that you have a period value but not an annual one.

The post is an additional role

If the post is an additional post i.e. detached from the main post, you can change it on the MCR.

    1. Navigate to the Employee Role Id tab.
      Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Tools> Payroll Reports> Teachers Pension - Monthly Contribution Reconciliation 
    2. Check the Add On Contract within the desired post record. 
    3. Click the Generate Role Ids. This ties the additional contract to the main one. 
    4. Continue to generate the MCR data.


Error and Warning messages when creating a Monthly Reconciliation Report (MCR)

Missing or Invalid National Insurance Number

Navigate to personnel Records > Personal Details > Enter or Amend NI Number

Post (Example post name has no Role ID

Each new post entered applied to an employee will require a Role ID number

Navigate to the Employee Role ID tab

On the bottom of the tab, select the option to Generate Role ID’s

Once you have done this, Save

Re-generate your MCR file


Missing GTC Reference

Navigate to Personnel Records > Teaching Details

Re-Generate your MCR File


Pensionable pay has not been assigned to a post addition

SMP addition in period 10 has not been assigned to the post

Navigate to your parental payments tab in forms > Select your Claim > Navigate to the second tab > Maternity Pay Schedule > Use the drop-down to select the post > Apply > Ok

Re-Generate your MCR file

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