Once your payroll is finalised, you can pay employees using your preferred payment method and report the details to HMRC in a FPS submission.
To transmit bacs files
- Navigate to the Pay HMRC window.
Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Tools> Paying Out> Pay HMRC - Click the Create BACS button. The Process BACS and Other Payments Files form appears. The dates generated in this form is taken from your control record for the payroll.
- Click the Transmit button. The Cintra Data Transfer Client Logon window appears.
Enter your secure username and password to send the file to Cintra.
- Click the Next button. The Review Previous Submissions window appears and displays a summary of previous payments.
Where you have multiple payrolls, select the payroll the payment relates to and then click the Next button.
- Click the Next button. The Upload BACS file to Cintra window appears.
- Confirm the Payment date and click the Next button. The Verify Totals window appears.
- Select the I confirm the above details are correct checkbox to confirm all payments are correct.
- Click the Next button. The Submission Complete window appears.
- Continue to Print Report or Close.