How do I report on the HMRC payment runs?

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You can create payment runs to pay tax, employee and employer NI, and student loan deductions to HMRC. The payment runs are created by the P32 period. Therefore, if you have more than one payroll under a tax reference, all payments due to HMRC are created in one run. As part of this process, the EPS (Employer Payment Summary) file is created and submitted to HMRC. The EPS file displays employer payments that are due such as tax, NI etc.

To report on the number of payment runs 

  1. Navigate to the Pay HMRC window. 
    Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Tools> Paying Out> Pay HMRC
  2. Select the desired P32 Period
  3. Create the Payment Runs.
  4. Click the Report button. The HMRC Payment Run window appears.
  5. Continue to ArchiveEmailSave and/or Print the report.

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