How do I enter bank details?

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Using the Bank Details form within Cintra iQ, you can enter UK and/or International payment details for the employee. 


To enter bank details

  1. Navigate to the Banking Details form.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Records> Forms> Banking Details
  2. In the Active Banking Details pane, right-click: New. The New Payment Preference form appears, populated with the employee's first and last name.
  3. Update the Payee Name, if necessary.
  4. Enter the Payment Limit, if necessary.


    Use the Payment Limit field if you want to pay net pay over more than one payment destination. (e.g. Two bank accounts or split cash/bank account.)

  5. Select the preferred desired payment type: CashUK Bank TransferCheque, or International Bank Transfer.
    • UK Bank Transfer payment type.
      Enter the UK Payment details for the UK Bank Transfer payment type.
    • International Bank Transfer payment type.
      Enter the payment details for International Payments.


      To add more information to the account details, use the Intl. Sending Instructions for [employee] form by clicking the Additional Details button.

  6. Select the desired Payment Status.
  7. Click the Apply button.


    If you select the Payment is inactive (for historic or future use) option, the Bank Details record automatically appears in the Inactive Banking Details pane. 


To make an inactive banking details record active again

  1. Navigate to the Banking Details window. 
  2. Open the desired Inactive Banking Details record.
  3. Navigate to the Payment Status section.
  4. Select the Payment is active (for current use) option.
  5. Click the Apply button. The record reappears in the Active Banking Details pane.
  6. Continue to make updates.

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