How do I check payslip details on screen?

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Within Cintra iQ, you can check the details of an employee's payslip for any period current or historic.


You can also re-calculate the payslip when required by selecting the Force Calc option and clicking the Calculate button.

Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Payslip

About the Payslip & Period Summary window

Tab Description
Gross to Net Summary tab

Within the Gross to Net tab, you can select the Payroll Period you want to view by using the Payroll Period drop down selection. You can view all payment details of all deductions made on net pay.


You can view the Payment or Deduction calculations in greater detail in the Gross to Net Summary tab by double-clicking in either pane, or clicking the + beside a payment or deduction.

Employment Summary tab

Within the Employment Summary tab, you can view the employee's administrative details such as Employee number, Status etc for the selected Payroll Period.

Employer Overheads tab

Within the Employer Overheads tab, you can view the Employer's contributions and overhead costs for the selected Payroll Period. This includes the employees' national insurance and any employee's pension contributions. 

PAYE & National Insurance tab


Within the PAYE & National Insurance tab, you can view the PAYE Tax information and National Insurance earnings and contributions for the selected period. 

Payment Details tab


Within the Payments Details tab, you can view the BACS Payments and any other payment details of the employee's Net Pay for the selected period. 

  • Net Pay: This is the amount of pay remaining for issuance to an employee after deductions have been taken from the individual's gross pay. This is the amount paid to each employee on pay day.  
  • Allocated Net: The Net Pay amount is a payment run.
  • Unallocated Net: The Net Pay amount is not yet in a payment run.
  • Generated: The Net Pay is in a payment run that has been generated.
  • Committed: The Net Pay in the payment run has been committed to be paid (authorised).
  • Uncommitted: The Net Pay is in a generated payment run but is not yet committed to be paid.

Statutory Benefits tab


Within the Statutory Benefits tab, you can view the details of any SAP, SMP, SPP, SBP, SHPP, and/or SSP payments made to the employee.

Exceptions tab


Within the Exceptions tab, you can view any exceptions that occurred when the payroll was calculated for the selected period.

Payslip Delivery Details tab


Within the Payslip Delivery Details tab, you can view the employee's current address, pay point details and where the payslip is to be delivered for the selected period. 


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