How do I set up default OSP qualifying working patterns for part time employees?

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Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and Occupational Sick Pay (OSP) are paid automatically once a calendar entry for sickness has been made, providing the employee has entitlement. All sickness records for an employee are entered and maintained via the Calendar. For more information about SSP entitlements, see You can set up Occupational Sick Pay Qualifying Work Patterns for the part-time employee.


Statutory Sick Pay Claims are automatically created when sickness records are created in the Calendar. For more information, see How Do I Create Calendar Events?


To set up default qualifying patterns

  1. Navigate to the Sick Pay window.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Sick Pay.
  2. Navigate to the Occupational tab.
  3. Click the Default Qualifying Work Patterns button. The Default Qualifying Patterns window appears. 
  4. Right click: New in the Default Qualifying Patterns for Sickness Calculation pane. The Default Qualifying Pattern form appears.
  5. Select the desired Qualifying Pattern.
  6. Enter the Qualifying pattern is effective from date.
  7. Enter the Qualifying pattern is effective to date.
  8. Click the OK button. The pattern appears in the Default Qualifying Patterns window.
  9. Click the OK button to save.

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