What are SART codes?
SART codes are used to record sickness absences. Within Cintra iQ, you can import the SART codes into the Attendance Reason Lookup Table and Attendance Reason Codings Lookup Table.
Once you have imported the SART Codes into the Lookup Tables, they will be available when creating an employer's Sickness Calendar Event. You can then report on the SART Codes when creating either a Listing report or a Payroll report.
How do I import SART codes?
- Go to: File > Import > Data Import. The Import File window appears.
- Select Lookups from the Data File drop-down list.
- Select Attendance Reasons from Table to import drop-down list.
- Click Table Columns button. The Table Columns appear. Note: Any field name that is highlighted in red is a required field.
- Click OK.
- Select the Header Line Present option. This displays the source column headers as they look in the selected import file.
- Enter the Error Threshold. Note: It is recommended that you change the error threshold to the maximum: 999.
- Click the ellipsis button to browse and select your .csv file. This imports the file into the Import File's source pane.
Once you have imported the SART codes into the Lookup Tables, they will be available when creating an employee’s Sickness Calendar Event.
You can then report on the SART codes when creating either a Listing report or a Payroll report.