How do I update/delete an employee's appraisal?

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How do I update an employee's appraisal?

  1. Navigate to the Maintain Appraisals window.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Tools> Performance Management> Maintain Appraisals
  2. Select the desired Appraisal Period. The employee Appraisal records associated to the selected period  appear.
  3. Open the desired appraisal record. The PM - Maintain Appraisal form appears.
  4. Update the desired information.
    Note: You can view the progress of the Appraisal's record in the Appraisal Progress pane.
  5. Click the OK button to save.


How do I delete an employee's appraisal?

  1. Navigate to the Maintain Appraisals window.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Tools> Performance Management> Maintain Appraisals
  2. Select the desired Appraisal Period. The employee Appraisal records associated to the selected period appear.
  3. Select the Appraisals you wish to delete. 
  4. Click the Delete Selected Appraisals button.  A message appears stating: Are you sure you want to delete permanently the selected records(s)? Click Yes to Continue or No to Cancel!
  5. Click the Yes button. The Appraisals are removed from the Appraisal Period.
  6. Close to Save and exit.

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