How do I end a maternity pay salary?

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You can use the FTE Factor in the employee's Work Pattern (for use with spine points) or use a standard salary element.

To use the FTE Factor method

  1. End the employee's current working pattern.
    1. Navigate to the employee's Post History form.
      Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Form> Post History 
    2. Click on the open record on the Working Pattern tab. 
    3. The Edit Employee Post FTE form appears.
    4. Enter the To Date
    5. Click the OK button.
  2. Create a new working pattern.
    1. Right-click New in the Working Pattern tab. The Insert Employee Post FTE form appears.
      Enter a From Date.
    2. Select the Work Pattern.
    3. Select FTE Calculation Method: Direct Entry.
    4. Enter the Hours Worked Per Week.
    5. Enter the Weeks Worked Per Year.
    6. Enter the FTE Factor: 0.00.
    7. Click the OK button. This will leave the post and spine point on the employee’s record and so reporting will be correct.

To use the standard salary element method

  1. Navigate to the employee's Payments and Rates form.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Payment /Rates
  2. Click on the Set Up Individual Allowances and Rates tab.
  3. Select the relevant Salary element.
  4. Open the existing record.
  5. Enter an end date. 
  6. Click the OK button to save.

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