In order to build reliable data sets that will help improve policies pertaining to staff specialisms, pay, DfE programmes, and skill gaps within the Education sector, it is a mandatory requirement from September 2022 to collect Further Education workforce data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year.
Within Cintra iQ, you have the ability to create the Further Education Workforce Data (FEWD) return.
Specification for the FE Workforce staff is available here.
To make sure you can successfully submit your data make sure Cintra iQ is set up properly.
Ensure your payroll has FE Workforce Data Collection form within personnel records.
- Within the FE Workforce Data window, complete all the required information
- Employment status must match the specification
- Posts must include FE Workforce details
To ensure the hourly rate is calculated correctly any Addition headings (Units*Rate) must be flagged on the Main Settings tab. See this article for more details: How do I determine the hourly rate on a further education workforce data submission? – Cintra iQ (
- Post under Employment Record > Post History must have primary earnings selected
If there is more than one post, one post must be marked a primary earning, the other role an additional role.
Roles that are zero-hour contracts, must include Weeks Worked Per Year
- to create your FE Workforce Data return in Cintra iQ navigate to Tools > FE Workforce Data Collection. Select the year (this will be from 1st August to 31st July) and client on Generate Return Data
The validation tab will show any missing or incorrect data. For example if post does not have the sub role:
- Once you make sure the validation tab does not list any issues you can Create Return File > Save as XML File and upload directly to the government website.