Check list - Preparing for year end

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The year-end process has been made a lot simpler since the introduction of Real Time Information (RTI) and you will be balancing the value paid over to HMRC each period. If there are differences between your payment and the RTI then HMRC will have made contact.
The processes that may be slightly different for year-end and explains the statutory processes to complete the tax year end and open the new year. It includes some tasks that you will need to do for the new year.

Important dates in the payroll calendar

There are a number of key tasks you must complete in the period around the end of the tax year on 5 April. The key end of year requirement for most employers is to submit their final Full Payment Submission (FPS) for the tax year, and where appropriate Employer Payment Summary (EPS), with the final submission indicator set.  

Deadlines at a glance

Deadline Task
Final Pay Day
Send your final FPS for the last payroll in the tax reference on or before the employee’s last payday of the tax year. Do this for each payroll in your PAYE scheme reference. The last deadline for any FPS for the tax year is 19 April. After this, any submissions must be made as an End of Year Update (EYU) via HMRC tools.
19 April
Send your final EPS for the year for each PAYE scheme you operate. This submission will be marked Yes in the Final Submission for year option.
31 May
Give each relevant employee a form P60
6 July
File expenses and benefits annual return (forms P11D, and P11D(b)) if applicable - give a copy to your employees This is the last date for your form and forms P11D, or substitutes. P11D(b) to reach your HMRC office. 
19 July
Class 1A NICs - postal payments must reach your HMRC Accounts Office
22 July
Class 1A NICs - cleared electronic payments must reach HMRC bank account


Year End Process

1. Submit your final RTI submissions for the tax year

The standard pattern of sending a Full Payment Submission (FPS) every time you pay your employees continues at the end of the tax year. The only difference is that on your final EPS submission there is a declaration which also confirms that this is the final submission for the tax year.

Your RTI submissions comprise of:
  • a form FPS which provides HMRC with a breakdown of the PAYE and NICs calculation for each of the employee on each payday. 
  • a form Employer Payment Summary (EPS) which enables you to report the amounts of Statutory Payments RecoveredNIC Compensation on Statutory PaymentsCIS Deductions Suffered or NIC Holiday so that HMRC can offset these against the payments you are due to make.

2. Give a P60 document to each relevant employee

You must provide a form P60, which can be either paper or electronic to each employee  who was working for you on the last day of the tax year (5 April) and for whom you were required to maintain a payroll record. The P60 summarises the employee's total pay and deductions for the year. 
If an employee has had more than one period of employment with you during the tax year,  only provide the employee with one P60 - the P60 should only be for the period of  employment up to and including 5 April
If an employee asks for another copy, you may issue a duplicate. If you need to make an amendment to the details shown on the original P60, you must give your employee details of the amendment. You can give them a letter showing the amendment or a new P60 marked REPLACEMENT. This replacement P60 can be provided either on paper or electronically. 


You must give your employees their P60s by 31 May.


3. Complete and file expenses and benefits forms

You must complete and file either a form P11D for any employees to whom you've provided expenses and benefits during the tax year. You must also file a form P11D(b) to declare the overall amount of Class 1A NICs due on any of the expenses and benefits you've provided. For more information about P11D submissions, see How Do I Produce P11D Submissions for Whole Pay Scheme? or How Do I Produce P11D PDFs for Individual Employees?


All of these forms must reach HMRC by 6 July.



4. Pay any Class 1A NICs due on expenses and benefits

You must send HMRC any Class 1A NICs that are due on the taxable expenses and  benefits you've paid or provided. If you're sending payment by post, it must reach your HMRC Accounts Office by 19 July. If you're sending payment by an approved electronic method, your payment must be cleared in HMRC's bank account by 22 July. Interest will be charged on amounts not paid by these dates. Once the year-end return is complete, certain actions are required to progress into the new tax year.
For the current HMRC important dates go to


5. Move to new tax year

Simply move to the  Next Payroll Period after the last period in the tax year places a payroll in the new tax year.

6. Apply tax code uplifts

It is possible, arising from budget changes that the  HMRC  will advise you to make a  general uplift of employee tax codes. The uplift notice will detail which suffixes are applicable together with the revised rate. Cintra will advise you of the relevant uplifts that you will need to input.  For more information about tax code uplifts, see How Do I Create Tax Code Uplifts in Cintra iQ?

7. Set up Apprenticeship Levy Allowance

Within  Cintra iQ, you can create payment runs to pay tax, employee and employer NI, and student loan deductions to  HMRC. The payment runs are created by the  P32 period. Therefore, if you have more than one payroll under a tax reference, all payments due to  HMRC are created in one run. As part of this process, the  EPS (Employer Payment Summary ) file is created and submitted to  HMRC. The  EPS file displays employer payments that are due such as tax,  NI etc.


8. Claim Employment Allowance

If you are eligible and want to claim the £4000 employment allowance, then set to yes and remember to check that the sector is correct.
For more information about employment allowance, see How Do I Claim Employment Allowance?


9. Set up Pension Bands

If you operate  Banded Pension Schemes for  Salary Related Contributions, you need to ensure that the  Employee Pension Scheme contribution sets and rates are created within  Cintra iQ. 


 HM Revenue & Customs Penalties

Strict penalties are applied should you miss any of the HMRC deadlines and interest is  also chargeable until your settlement is received. Therefore it is very important that you keep in contact with HM Revenue & Customs, particularly if you expect to miss a deadline. For the monthly payment of Tax and NIC, if the 19th (Cheques) or 22nd (Electronic payments) is missed then you will be automatically charged interest at the current rate.

Small Employer's Relief

Qualifying for Small Employer Relief for SAP, SMP,  SPP, SHPL/SHPP,  involves a complete  knowledge of the total National Insurance liabilities of your organisation. As not all such liabilities may be processed by Cintra iQCintra iQ itself cannot determine this qualification for you.
To qualify for Small Employer Relief (SER), your annual liability, as an employer, for National  Insurance must be £45,000 or less. If you are unsure as to whether this applies to your organisation, please contact your local HMRC office. Your regular Cintra iQ upgrades will ensure that the correct rates for Small Employer Relief are applied, but you must decide whether Small Employer Relief is to be applied in any given tax year.
Employers who qualify for SER can recover 100% of the SMP that they have  paid their employees plus a percentage as compensation. The current rate can be seen in the Statutory Tables.
Go to Cintra iQ : Payroll> Payroll Setup> Statutory Rates> Child Related Benefit Rates

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