How do I produce P60s for employees?

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What is a P60?

A P60 is a statement issued to employees in the United Kingdom at the end of the tax year. It summarizes the total pay and deductions for the year. Employers are legally obliged to provide a P60 to every employee who is working for them at the end of the tax year.

How do I produce P60s for employees?

  1. Go to Payroll> Payroll Tools> HMRC> P60 Forms. The Select Payroll and Tax Year form appears.
  2. Select the desired Payroll and Tax Year.
  3. Select one or more of the following options:
      • Print employee address on P60
      • Print Dept and Clock No on P60 Envelope
      • Include P60s for Employees whose P60s are Published
      • Include P60s for Leavers
      • Only P60s for Leavers
  4. Click the Next button. The P60 Production - Select Sort Order for appears.
  5. Select the desired Sort By option from the drop-down list and if applicable the desired Then sort by option. The P60 Production - Include Records for... form appears.
  6. Select the desired Employee option.
  7. Click the Next button. The P60 Production - Selection Summary form appears.
  8. Click the Run button. The P60s form appears.
  9. Perform either of the following:
      • To post the P60s form to the employee, click the Official Print Version button to save the PDF to the desired location to print out and post at a later time.
      • To publish the P60 to Self-Service, click the Publish button. The employee can view and print it from the P60 menu option when they log into Self-Service.
      • To dispatch the P60 pdf to the employee via Cintra's OSS team, click the Print & Seal button. 

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