How do I produce P45s for leavers?

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What is a P45?

A P45 is a document issued in the United Kingdom to an employee when they cease employment with an organization. When an employee is made a leaver on the payroll, HMRC will be notified when the RTI data is submitted each pay period. You need to give the employee a P45 form which shows the total pay and tax in the employment tax year. 

How do I produce a P45?

  1. Go to: Payroll> Payroll Tools> HMRC> P45 Forms. The Select Payroll and Tax Year for P45 form appears.
  2. Select the desired Payroll.
  3. Select the desired Tax Year.
  4. Click the Next button. The P45 Forms - Select Sort Order form appears.
  5. Select the desired sort order.
  6. Click the Next button. The P45s Forms - Include Records for... form appears.
  7. Select either All EmployeesSpecific Employees or Multiple Employees.
  8. Click the Next button. The P45 Forms - Selection Summary appears.
  9. Click the Run button. One or more P45s are displayed.
  10. Perform either of the following:
      • Click the Archive button. This allows you to archive the P45 form to the Cintra iQ database.
      • Click the Publish to Self-Service button. This publishes the P45 form to the employee's Self-Service where they  can view the form when they log in.
      • Click the Official Print Version button.  The official four page document (1st page being name and address) appears. 
      • Click the Save As button. This saves the file to be re-printed if necessary.
      • Click the Close button. Once you have printed an official version, a message appears stating: Do you want to record that the P45 has been printed? Click the Yes button. The P45 is saved on the employee's record. 


If you need to re-print and you haven’t saved the P45 forms, navigate to Employment record Tax and NI HMRC Forms Sent tab. De select the P45 Printed check box. Repeat the To Produce a P45 steps.

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