Good to Know:
You can base overtime rates on the salary by a multiplication factor in the numeric function. The numeric expression can be different for different sets of records determined by the condition. After creating your numeric expressions and conditions you now need to link these together in a conditional function before you can then link this to a pay or deduction heading.
You can create conditional functions for Period calculations or Standing data calculations.
To create a conditional function
- Navigate to the Conditional Functions definition window.
Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Conditional Function - Select either the Period calculation or Standing data calculation option.
Ensure that the Period calculation option is selected in order to calculate and display standard pay period hours on the payslip.
- Click the New button. The New Conditional Function window appears.
- Enter the Function Name.
- Create the Function Body
- Select the desired Condition in the Record Filter pane.
- Select the desired Numeric Expression in the Numeric Expressions pane.
You can add a Constant Value as the Numeric Expression once you have highlighted the expression.
- Click the Add Line button. The Condition and Numeric Expression are combined to appear in the same line in the Statements pane.
- Continue to add the desired combinations of Conditions and Numeric Expressions to the Statements pane, if applicable.
- Click the OK button. The newly created record appears in the Conditional Functions Definitions window. This can then be attached to the desired addition heading.
To create numeric expressions
- Navigate to the Numeric Expression definition window. A list of existing definitions may appears depending on your system set up.
Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Numeric Expressions - Ensure that the Standing data calculation option is selected.
- Click the New button. The Numeric Expression window appears.
- Enter the Expression Name.
- Create the Expression Body:
- From the Field pane, select the desired field from either from the Addition Headings or Deduction Headings drop-down lists.
The field lists include all payment and deduction headings that have been setup in the database. Depending on which sub-folder the heading belongs to, there can be different fields within each payment/deduction heading. e.g. for salary that comes from a spinal column table, within this table there is a field specifically for holding rates. When you create the values in the spinal column table this allows for capped rates. But, if you do not have capped rates you can use the Annual value field.
- Click the Add Line button. The field now forms part of the Expression.
- Select an Operator.
- Click the Add Line button. The Operator is added to the Expression.
- Continue to enter Fields, Operators and/or Values until the expression is complete.
Where you have multiple operations in an expression, you may need to put brackets in the necessary areas to ensure the calculation logic is correct. Click on the desired row in the Expression and click on the ( button to Add the bracket to the beginning of the Expression and the ) button to close the Expression. To remove a bracket, click on either ( or ) in the Remove section.
- From the Field pane, select the desired field from either from the Addition Headings or Deduction Headings drop-down lists.
- Click the OK button to save. If you already created a Condition, you can create a Conditional Function.
Good to Know
You may have more than one method of calculation for the same Adjustment Heading as for example different payrolls may use different terms. So it may be that you create another expression where you use the same salary field but divide by a number of weeks per year and hours per day – in the example below: