How do I define earnings as qualifying earnings for auto enrolment assessments?

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Cintra iQ has an Auto Enrolment facility, which takes you through the process of amending a pension scheme set up, defining which payment headings are pensionable and which headings are classed as Qualifying Earnings, running an assessment, and enrolling employees into the relevant Auto Enrolment scheme. Cintra iQ can also manage Opt ins and Opt outs
Within each Addition Heading, you can select whether this addition heading is Qualifying Earning for Auto Enrolment Assessment.

  Good to know

Non qualifying earning expenses can be a Car Allowance or an On-call Allowance. Both of which could be classed as a necessity of the role rather than a benefit. Therefore you can check the Qualifying Earning for Auto Enrolment Assessment option for the applicable Addition Heading.

To define earnings

  1. Navigate to the Addition Heading definition window.
    Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Addition Headings
  2. Open the desired Addition Heading. The definition window appears.
  3. Navigate to the Other tab.
  4. Navigate to the Pension section.
  5. Check the Qualifying Earning for Auto Enrolment Assessment option.
  6. Click the Apply button to save and continue.
  7. Click the OK button to save and exit

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