Cintra iQ controls automation of rates generated at employee level, by reference to other payment values, by using conditional numeric functions. A conditional numeric function is where a numeric function is applied to a set of records determined by a condition.
For example, you can base overtime rates on the salary by a multiplication factor in the numeric function. The numeric expression can be different for different sets of records determined by the condition.
Once you have created the Numeric Function, you can attach it to an Addition Heading.
To attach a conditional function
- Navigate to the Addition Headings definition window.
Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Addition Headings. - Open the desired addition heading you wish to attach the conditional function to.
- Perform either of the following depending on the Addition Type.
- Select the Rates derived by Conditional Function option and select the desired Conditional Function from the drop down list.
- Select Amounts derived by Conditional Function option and select the function from the drop-down list.
- Continue to fill out the Addition Heading form.
- Click the OK button. The Addition Heading is updated. You can now reuse the Addition Heading when creating a new expression.